Gallienne’s Girls

Growth For Women

Gallienne’s Girls is a non-profit organization working towards the betterment of women to not just elevate, inspire, and create leaders but to unite because we are stronger together.

Gallienne Nabila
Gallienne Nabila, founder of Gallienne's Girls


Gallienne Nabila

“I’m working towards the overall betterment of women and the decisions they make for the success of their future and career.

I feel the need to educate women on how their early decision making can have a major impact on their career and future opportunities. Young women do not always have the proper role model or mentor to help guide their life decisions therefore, they sometimes settle for finding guidance and comfort in social media. It isn’t easy being a woman in today’s society. There’s so much pressure to be ‘perfect’.”

Girl Power

How do we play our part?

Your health and well-being are everything. All of our initiatives encourage women to practice a healthy lifestyle.

There’s no blueprint for how to live. What works for one may not work the same for another but we can always learn from each other and implement what works for us.

Career Discovery

It’s important for all women to find careers that are both fulfilling and that offer opportunities for growth.

Our initiatives will help women learn what to do with their money. Whether it’s investment opportunities or entrepreneurial growth, were here to help!

Let’s Grow!

The goal is to create leaders that inspire, influence and change the world in a positive way. We want to encourage diversity in all occupational fields. Part of healthy decision making comes with surrounding yourself with a strong, supportive community. Women should be surrounded by those of different ethnic backgrounds to encourage strength and unity. We are always better together.

Gallienne's Girls

Being Happy

Achieving happiness has a lot to do with finding yourself and discovering your passions. Our events and initiatives will help you begin your journey towards true happiness.

accomplished woman

Fulfilling Potential

In a world with many barriers, it’s important we as women help one another achieve our potential in our careers, family life, and health. 

stylish women

Making Changes

Sometimes we just need a lending hand in forming new habits that will place us on the path to success. 

strong women

Finding Balance

Finding a balance in your life is key to success and happiness. Work hard, play hard!

Theme of the Month Independence


Of Global Workforce (women)

Women owned businesses in the USA


More success in postsecondary education

Dates To Know

4th of July
July 24: International Self Care Day
July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day
July 30: National Support Public Education Day National
July 30: International Day of Friendship


Gallienne’s Girls Back-to-School Summer Camp Event

Economic Independence:

  • Financial Decision-Making: Increasingly, women are the primary or joint financial decision-makers in their households.
  • Education: Globally, girls are outperforming boys in secondary education enrollment and completion.

Personal Independence:

  • Marriage and Family: The average age of first marriage for women is rising globally, reflecting greater focus on career and personal development.
  • Fertility Rates: In many countries, fertility rates are declining, as women choose to have fewer children or delay childbearing.
  • Travel and Exploration: Women are traveling more independently for leisure and adventure.

Contributions to Women’s Empowerment:

  • Leadership: More women are rising to leadership positions in business, politics, and non-profit organizations.
  • Mentorship: Women are actively mentoring other women, fostering a culture of support and advancement.
  • Activism: Women are leading movements for gender equality, raising awareness, and advocating for policy change.
  • Role Models: Prominent women in various fields are inspiring younger generations to break barriers.

    Our Mission

    Join in on our cause to unite and empower young women worldwide.

    We as women have worked so hard to be able to maintain an occupation, break through the glass ceiling, and receive equal pay to the opposite gender. We are currently still struggling to surpass all these obstacles. We don’t want this new and improved generation of women to make it so far to then start tracking backwards. Before we know it, we will end up in the same place we started. If you don’t have a strong support system, it is easy to get lost in a generation that’s dominated by competition and status. We need to be a resonating voice with the younger generation to encourage healthy decision making and knowledge of the true definition of women empowerment.

    Yazmin Alvarez

    “Working with Gallienne’s Girls has given me an opportunity to expand my network”

    Dr. Loretta Scott

    “Fundraising isn’t only money. You are creating avenues to get to money. We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone”

    Albert Pike

    “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

    Get Involved


    Join our team and contribute to the betterment of women in California and all around the United States. Volunteer at one of our many events, or contact us to join our team full time! We have many opportunities available!



    Make an investment towards the advancement and growth of a young woman and her future. Let’s improve young women’s chances at a successful and fulfilling life. Donations will go towards educational initiatives, impactful workshops and building future generations of empowered leaders.

    Our Sponsors


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